OntOfOnt Family of Ontologies

This page collects the family of the ontologies developed during the project. To emphasise their application domain their common prefix was set to ‘OntOfOnt’.

[expand title=”Base Ontology”]

Diagrammatic visualisation (.bmp file, 16Mb)

RDF/XML file

Web Protege

HTML Export

Ontology Embeddings

Since OntOfOnt is not a foundational ontology, its upper level categories were “stitched” up to the categories of two foundational ontologies: CIDOC CRM and Information Artefact Ontology:

IAO OntOfOnt

RDF/XML file


RDF/XML file



[expand title=”Base Ontology Populated”]

The OntOfOnt ontology was populated with the data from PhilPapers portal.

RDF/XML file

Ontology Explorer

Web Protege
